Dyson V8 Absolute Fix

Purpose: Bought a Dyson V8 absolute for $600 a while back and the battery suddenly stopped taking charge (single blue light). Called Dyson and customer service informed me that it was out of warranty and would cost $120 to be serviced. Spent 5 minutes to remove the battery housing and the error was immediately visible after seeing a severed ground wire. Stripped the sheath and re-soldered it. Works as good as new (minus battery degradation). Wish I had heat shrink tubing on me. Less of a “how-to” as it was relatively trivial and more of a confidence booster for anyone with a similar common product issue also on the fence with paying the Dyson servicing fee that it is a very simple 5 minute fix. Also neat to see the battery using 6 spot welded 18650’s. If something more complicated breaks in the future that isn’t cost or time efficient to replace I’d probably harvest the batteries. I try to minimize my own electronic waste footprint.


Basement Bath [Parents house]