Paul Malizia is a mechanical engineering (robotics stream) graduate
Certified SolidWorks Expert (top 1% of users) at CAD (Computer-Aided Design). Previous work experience includes nuclear oversight, telecom, and currently: infrastructure. Team recipient of Pickering Nuclear Stations highest safety rating 'Fully Satisfactory’. Secret clearance.
I’m a mechanical engineering graduate on paper, and a problem solver at heart. I’m a first-generation graduate in an 11.7% neighbourhood with a Bachelor’s degree or higher (compared to a 44.1% city average), and a 40 page scholarly paper shy of a certificate in Ethics. I’m continually striving for the most optimal solution to any given problem while meeting all relevant polices, acts, regulations, guidelines, laws, stakeholder interests. Personal belief that exceptional outcomes are the result of teams working co-operatively, and that great leaders build the collective. Ex-AAA hockey.
Some other, personally notable and open-ended problems that I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to be tasked with:
Extracted over [redacted] permit locations from legacy public service software via Python. Performed data cleaning (Pandas) on JupyterLab, followed by completing a spatial join of each permit location to their nearest road segment (major/minor arterial, collector, local road) via QGIS for a further breakdown analysis. Implemented a tuned [redacted] algorithm to cluster all of these locations across the entire [redacted], and provided priority inspection areas— utilizing these density clusters as service boundaries with a given constraint of [redacted] inspectors.
Developed a worksheet in Microsoft Excel with VBA which captures the KPI’s of [redacted] field investigations. This had the effect of reducing desk paperwork down from a scanned full-page of a hard copy sheet, to an .xlsm file of a [redacted] mathematical framework with a dashboard that visualizes deliverables. A 5 minute to 5 second workflow upgrade— 6000% reduction in time savings.
Passion is Operations Research/Innovation
Thank you,